
Showing posts from July, 2010

Flash Player 10 wont work

i wondered if knows why flash player 10 wont install on system? have followed troubleshooting guides on site, , done security changes medium , allowing scripting etc etc still nothing wont install. gives?     i have win xp pro sp3 32bit , ie7. i cannot see screenshot included - small.  (not fault, - forum that.)   anyway, try download installer page   let know if error message. More discussions in Using Flash Player adobe

com_content won't accept or recognise text - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i using j1.5.14 , have problem com_content component not accepting text in body. have menu link on user menu starts new article page. after entering text or pasting text , selecting category etc click save , error message "article must have text". the following user menu link submit new article ... &itemid=51 if go room , select article manager new , after filling out details in spaces article gets saved without problem. problem description: the com_content component not taking text. i have used jts-post : joomla! forum post assistant : v1.0.1 (f) generate following report. [size=90] problem description: the com_content component not taking text. log/error message: article must have text diagnostic information joomla! version: joomla! 1.5.14 stable [ wojmamni ama naiki ] 30-july-2009 23:00 gmt configuration.php: not writable (mode: 444 ) | rg_emulation: n/a architecture/platform: windows nt 5.2 ( i586) | web server: microsoft-i

تعديل لإضافة زر يسهل عليك إختيار القسم عند إضافة مقال - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أممم --- راح أحاول أختصر وبدخل في الموضوع على طول المهم أنا تعذبت وأنا أضيف المقالات من داخل الموقع {front end} والدخول للوحة التحكم {back end} كل ما أردت أضيف شي راح يكون متعب كمان الشي المتعب كان إختيار القسم {section} بعد أن تتصفح حتى تصل للمكان المطلوب تلقى كم هائل من الأقسام التي يجب أن تختار منها فقلت أسهل على نفسي وأخليه بالجافا سكربت وكوني لم أتعلمها فقمت ببالحث حتى وصلت إلى التالي أن أضيف زر بجنب القائمة المنسدلة ليقوم بالواجب {مثل الصورة تحت} --- طبعا هذا أقصى ما إستطعته كوني لم أتعلم لغة الجافاسكربت والمشكلة التي تعترض وجود هذا الزر كانت ترتيب الأقسام {sections} --- أي أن ترتيب العرض لازم يطابق الآيدي {id} في جدول _sections شوف الصورة كيف الوضع مرقع جدا {فراغات و....} وهذي الصورة بعد التعديل وهنا يظهر الغرض من التعديل على القاعدة --- ليتطابق العمودين فقمت ببرمجة سكربت لأختصر الوقت والجهد على نفسي يقوم بتعديله في قاعدة البيانات مباشرة في جميع الجداول التي تحتاج ذلك {طبعا الجداول الرئيسية ولا أعرف شيئا عن الإضافات} ويعيد قيمة عداد الزيادة الت

Geo-Targeted products best way to display - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have cross reference products of us. of searches have geo associated them,but can't of geo indexed ie cross reference directory hollywood fl. i'd have visitors able search city name, zip-code, or county , have 4 different product variations associated w/ geo. thoughts on how geo part indexed search? an example of search want replace @ not happy set , looking better alternative w/ in joomla frame work thanks pat patrickbresser, sounds want custom extension. suggest install jumi , write custom php application. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Image quality problem, please help

hi, i'm new indesign (i'm using cs4). when open new file , create new document, use file > place command place images want them , set display performance 'high quality display' , moment , save , close out file. when open @ later time, quality has reverted low-quality, grainy, pixelated , doesn't seem want save. i'm worried when send off printer crappy, how can permanently set high-quality , stay way?   secondly, since i'm new this, wasn't aware have embed file send printer (otherwise stays link , visible on computer using) correct in assuming once i've embedded file document become part of document sent printer see?   any appreciated, thanks! first, set preferences display performance high quality display default , won't have switch each time. nothing open. set global default.   when sending file printer have 2 options: first, package (file > package...) gather file , required links , fonts (that aren't restricted) single folder can g

Text / Font Color Preview not working anymore

normally, when change text color in photoshop preview in document. however, photoshop has stopped doing , doesn't change color until hit ok in color dialog. can't find setting effect this. i've got photoshop cs3 , cannot figure out why happening. i've searched forums , googled , have found nothing. i don't recall setting cause behavior, know many, many settings?   what operating system running?   what has changed on computer since last worked?   does text have layer style effects?   this situation photoshop cs3 falling out of date functionality of modern video drivers, though more that's been installed or configured.   some things try:   try resetting character tool making character panel visible using menu @ upper-right:   try resetting photoshop overall preferences defaults (ctrl - shift - alt immediately after starting photoshop icon or menu item) sure it's not heretofore undiscovered setting or invalid combination of settings.   make sure have latest

Thread: Recover from backup. Can't find HD (wrong UUID)

hi rsync filesystem have server hd. now, when try boot i'm dropped @ initramfs error. looks it's still looking root in previous hd tough changed /etc/fstab. says can't find device uuid, , uuid previous hd. here's full details: i'm running ubuntu server 10.04 it has 2 hard drives. every night backups 1 command code: rsync --archive --one-file-system --hard-links --numeric-ids --delete i moved hd have backup machine , rsynced them same command i changed /etc/fstab in new machine. installed grub on it when boot in new machine error not finding root. says device not present. says uuid of device looking for, , it's uuid of first hd. thought had change /et/fstab seems wrong. appreciated i not recommend use rsync full backup of machine. result failure. why?. because system not stopped during backup , data stored inconsistent. full backup has done system in "shut-down&q

Site is blank, just background - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi installed joomla 1.5.14 w/ sample data , fine. installed manifolio template , got blank black background, no menus or anything. deleted sample data per thread on site... now i've added items via manifolio tutorials site remains blank. cant publish frontpage. i'm sure n00b mistake know no 1 "irl" me lol hope can help! thanks in advance. please don't bump, against forum rules. if switch core templates site correct? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: SSH Login Help

hi all, trying connect home server internet. don't know proper syntax. have dynamic ip address isp static home ip. using places/"connect server" menu panel. tried static_home_ip@dynamic_ip_from_service_provider in server field. appreciated. can ping home server? open terminal window , enter command: > ping home server ip address. if have secure shell running on local host machine, try: > ssh Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] SSH Login Help Ubuntu

Pagemaker Conversion using Trial InDesign on Mac?

i downloaded trial version of indesign cs5 , tried open pagemaker 6.5 file it, on current computer (mac os 10.5.8), files show unknown file type, , indesign doesn't recognize them @ all. i've read in other forum discussions, versions of indesign should able open pagemaker files. capability limited other oss, or trial version limited in regard? suspect can't because tried open file on else's computer using cs2, without success.   i need use page layout programs ever often, wanted see whether it's worth buy indesign or toggle between ancient , new computers, getting rather tiring.   thank you.   emily are sure it's pm file? have extension? if so, should p65.   the trial has no limitations @ far features go.   bob More discussions in InDesign adobe

positioned subfield wrapped in flowed subfield not page breaking

i have text field in positioned subform. subform in flowed subform. want break on next page, flows off bottom of page without adding new page , goes on master page footer items.   all items set allow page breaks. text box set allow multiple lines , fit y.   it works when rid of positioned subform, want subform can have other elements side side text field , maintain layout.   i read in here "the field can in positioned subform, parent must flowed (it might different page subform)."   why isn't working me   here link   thanks! the untitled subform message , checkbox located in must set autofit in direction on layout tab. set field autofit not subform housed in (the positioned subform).   paul More discussions in LiveCycle Designer adobe

RSS reader with filter ability - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everyone i looking rss reader joomla! site. rss reader must have ability filter news feed. example if want news feed online newspaper (or more one), need news regarding soccer games, rss reader must have kind of filtering mechanism keyword can entered. there many rss readers such this, don't know 1 extension module joomla! can help??? thanks...... here's 1 solution, admittedly circuitous, worked me. (joomla 1.5.18) • run url of feed want filtered through, adding keywords want • subscribe result in google reader under google account have set , logged into • put feed folder on google reader (with feed selected, click on "feed settings" @ top right , select new folder) • make sure feed in folder created • change settings on folder public clicking on lower left "manage subscriptions" link, click on "folders , tags" tab, select folder created , "change sharing..." public • browse public folder clicking "view public p

Question about Banners on my Template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello. using following template our church's website: after moving things around bit on our website, have placed couple rotating banners (via "components" >> "banner" >> "banners") @ bottom of our site: the banner module in "bottom" position. question there code in css file template allow me remove blue border around banner? and, i'd center banner on page rather have left-aligned. have looked through css file, can't identify make edits. thanks, in advance. hello. still looking issue. willing give me pointers? contact author of template, website in language not understand. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: is there a way to throttle the cpu like windoz? i.e. performance & power saver?

i wondering if can turn cpu's performance down when i'm running on battery power? (i'm on laptop) great if there was. i'm on cheap-0 e-machine , battery life terrible. also, there way select programs come on @ boot? think read program might have been called bum? when did apt-get wanted remove samba. can't have need print on home network. i'm pretty sure default setting on demand. there panel applet allows see , change mode in. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] is there a way to throttle the cpu like windoz? i.e. performance & power saver? Ubuntu

Thread: Powerpoint replacement

at church use powerpoint put words on wall projector. run sound board , projector , such. projector connected second monitor through video card. using windows 7, see implemented ubuntu. going on tv , coverage see ubuntu , such. issue is, impress doesn't allow same versatility powerpoint. sort of video implementation. able go mid-slideshow video , same slideshow without losing place. want able work on first monitor while having slideshow on secondary monitor , able control slides on second monitor first. powerpoint has nifty little thing shows thumbnails of slides on second monitor, can click on ones need there. can implement video of people's testimonies , after short clip go right slideshow , praise , worship. use ubuntu @ home, , inside virtualbox xp , offfice 2010 powerpoint. other that, use ubuntu. thoughts , suggestions welcome. thank in advance! you can find several presentation graphics package

Chapter playlist, CS5, BR does not work with image file

i have made br project encore cs5.  when preview, chapter playlists preview perfect.  play chapters put in, , goes main menu end action.   but, after burn project image iso file , play, when hit buttons, of them end action , go right main menu.they not play chapters did correctly in encore preview.   i trying output dvd see does.   any ideas?   weird   thanks   dave back in cs4, there severe issues chapter playlists in bd. said limitation of bd-specs., felt adobe's implementation of chapter playlists being incompatible bd. if pure adobe problem, have thought have addressed in cs5, maybe not. might want search of forum "chapter playlists," , "bd," , read of threads. might useful in those.   i restructure , use playlists instead.   for me, easy, since edit "chapters/scenes" separate sequence in prpro, , import video timeline each. seldom use chapter playlists (in dvd) ever.   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Encore adobe

Set clipboard content using html text

hi, i have html text store in string variable mentioned below. want set clipboard. when set clipboard same html text , not readable one.                 private var str:string = "sale               22   cash040 07:26 am";       i tried create text area , set clipboard content getting error "typeerror: error #2007: parameter text must non-null."   i tried like   var textarea:textarea = new textarea(); textarea.htmltext = str; system.setclipboard(textarea.text);   kindly me in resolving this.   i want set readable text clipboard , not html text   thanks, tamil More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: Printer sharing problems

i'm trying share hp psc 1300 series printer attached ubuntu box across home network absolutely no luck @ all. prints fine ubuntu when try print either of windows laptops lights on printer go mental , error message. i've tried several different ways of setting printer share, recent being via cups detailed on thread: again same problem. don't think can driver issue correct drivers on laptops before changed main server xp ubuntu , worked fine then. ideas? i'm enjoying switch ubuntu need working switch permanent. cheers! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] Printer sharing problems Ubuntu

Actionscript 3 - Youtube API questions......

hi guys... i trying build as3 search api project..   i checking guys's code here... tube-player-api/   he has following code...        protected function dosearchresults(evt:videofeedevent):void             {                 if(_requestid == evt.requestid)                 {                     var feed:videofeed = evt.feed;                     _video = feed.getat(2);                 }                 else                 {                     trace("this call:"+evt.requestid+" isn't ours. we'll wait next one...");                 }                   if (_player != null)                 {                     startplaying();                 }             }   and has addeventlistener       _ws = youtubefeedclient.getinstance();                   _ws.addeventlistener(videofeedevent.video_data_received, dosearchresults);                 _requestid = _ws.getvideos(&quo

descriptor version does not match runtime version ERROR

my application tag follows: <application xmlns=" "> i tried (same error result): <application xmlns=" ">   adl.exe version from add or remove programs(win xp) adobe air's version:   does make sense anybody? hi, it sounds have configuration issue sdk.  using flash builder?  if so, please make sure have flex sdk , air sdk installed correctly in fb project, verify you've set flex sdk version correctly in flex compiler options.   setting application descriptor <application xmlns=" "> correct.   chris More discussions in Archived Spaces adobe

Thread: Kdenlive being jumpy and slow

hey there, have query kdenlive, when putting avi. files audio files wma. chugs hard , doesnt play out smooth rendition of two. went ubuntu because thought windows movie maker joke in regards freezes.. have tryed few other video editting apps far can see kdenlive has basics need except smooth file use.. questions suppose be: 2gb ram , 64 amd 4000+ fit video editting standard? best video editting software out there on ubuntu? these questions else, couldnt find threads of similar regards. hi, have same issue (running amd 5200 dual core, 4gb ram) , using renice command helps bit. used "ps -e" find process id of kdenlive, "sudo renice -20 (process id)". renice works on running processes. can start program nice command, if prefer. fyi, "nice" comes how nice you're going other users of machine (as in server), from-20 19, 19 being nice , -20 being...not nice. user of box, &

Problem-Main Menu - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

nakon uspesne instalacije xampp joomla 1.5.14 prateci uputstva sa joomla_quickstart_me hteo sam da pogledam "svoj" sajt tamo gde bi trebalo da pise (dugme) home ispisuje mi ovo: warning: parameter 1 modmainmenuhelper::buildxml() expected reference, value given in c:\program files\xampp\htdocs\joomla15\libraries\joomla\cache\handler\callback.php on line 99 moze li mi neko pomoci, unapred hvala! proveri verziju php.a ako je 5.3 uradi downgrade na 5.2.9 radice kako treba...pisano vise puta na forumu, pa malo ukljuci pretragu... Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Serbian/Montenegrin Forum Tehnička pitanja

ClearScan creates colored background. How to remove it?

hi,   i have document @ hand containing around ten pages. on 3 of pages, scanned documents being displayed. centered on page no visible background color (i removed in photoshop). however, once run clearscan on pages, pages' backgrounds change light grey. logos on scanned page keep box of white background around them. other pages in document appear whiter.   so, how can stop acrobat coloring background when running clearscan?   regards,   fabian just checked in photoshop, pages' background changed 255, 255, 255 253, 253, 253. document -> background -> remove doesn't seem work. More discussions in Acrobat Windows (read-only) adobe

CS3 and Snow Leopard

i'm thinking upgrading macbook pro (tiger) snow leopard. love tiger, works fine me, plus works great cs3. i'm dj , author use cs3 of book covers , fliers, plus use indesign layout pages. i'm hearing sl doesn't support cs3 @ all. i'm happy tiger far writing , designing goes. on djing end of things, need upgrade use of newer products. upgrading kill cs3 side of things? don't want have buy new macbook djing. cs 3 not sl compatible. parts may work, others won't. if need sl, need upgrade cs suite software. make sure computer worth upgrading sl, doesn't make sense upgrade macbook pro if doesn't have core duo processor. More discussions in Creative Suites Macintosh adobe

Thread: Trackpad doesn't work while i am trying to install.

i trying install ubuntu on compaq presario v5000 because windows got screwed reason cant trackpad work keyboard works bit cant through installation without trackpad try using usb mouse through installation, adjust kernel line suggested in bug report see if works. report findings (works, doesn't work, whatever) bug report afterwards. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Trackpad doesn't work while i am trying to install. Ubuntu

Adobe for students

please give me advice. i'm student russia , want buy flash student 177$. but didn't understand possible russian students? you can buy online. should demography independent. check following links more details: faq: eligibility: More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: Complete System Backup/Restore Software Suggestions

hi all, got system nice , stable =) i'd up. i'm after software let me copy absolutely , restore should monkey setup in future. want able insert disc, usb or other media click "restore" reboot , have system right down every last detail. i'm hoping test restore tonight familiarize myself process. cheers, chris remastersys - go system>administration Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Complete System Backup/Restore Software Suggestions Ubuntu

page out of order

hi i'm new webdesigning i'm using adobe cs4, finished page in fireworks , exported css , images, when open page in dreamweaver of page not in order,  ex: of images @ bottom of page when @ top in fireworks, can tell me i'm doing wrong? can drag , drop in dreamweaver place things want them? saved 2 of same file see problem was, 1 did slices , other disabled slices, 1 slices gives me images cut in pieces , parts of site out of order, , other disabled slices images arent cut of images out of place. your css must wrong.   it sounds need start top , learn css.     no, can't drag , drop in dreamweaver. closest thing using ap divs (on insert menu, layers think) if know how use them (which need css for).     to use dreamweaver need learn html/css, there no way around unfortunately.       w3schools (google it) More discussions in Web design adobe

Where to download Switchboard v2

win xp/cs5 & lr 3   mini-bridge needs switchboard work (although threads suggest then, won't work).   i not have switchboard installed. downloaded latest air, did not install switchboard.   i went adobe switchboard page, says no longer being used.   how download/install switchboard can minibridge work?   thanks don't recall switchboard option during install?  it's been while.   i suggest reinstalling adobe cs5 media.   -noel More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Move search input box to minipane below buttons

does know how move search text input field main toolbar minipane, indicated arrow (i've been messing around in .skn file haven't found solution yet)? i'd remove search button toolbar guess search , go buttons more or less same job.     thanks paul you select toolbar buttons display in wizard when generate turn off search button there. search field want remove turned on , off there. if turn search field off when user clicks search, see search box. 2 options.   see robohelp , authoring tips   @petergrainge More discussions in WebHelp adobe

update checkbox with repeat region

  this picture within repeat region. wish update checkbox in repeat region database, idea if checkbox checked update status returned else update status on loan.     code shown below. is idea correct text in red? tried doesn't work.       <?php require_once('connections/myconnection2.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("getsqlvaluestring")) { function getsqlvaluestring($thevalue, $thetype, $thedefinedvalue = "", $thenotdefinedvalue = "") {   if (php_version < 6) {     $thevalue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($thevalue) : $thevalue;   }   $thevalue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($thevalue) : mysql_escape_string($thevalue);   switch ($thetype) {     case "text":       $thevalue = ($thevalue != "") ? "'" . $thevalue . "'" : "null";       break;        case "long":     case "int":       $thevalue =

Centering the output swf?

is there anyway customize published html template swf centered in air application or in browser? centering swf vertically can accomplished tweaking surrounding html.   take @ example:   tanya More discussions in Flash Catalyst adobe

Why is timer not stopping?

here's code:   var timer_delay:timer = new timer(3000, 1); // 8 second delay timer_delay.addeventlistener(timerevent.timer, exmove); function exmove(event:timerevent):void { //to slide in on x axis slidextween = new tween(ex1_mc, "x", regular.easeout, 882, 499, 2, true); } timer_delay.start();   after first run, want tweening stop didn't.   here's .fla file . i don't see in code show cause timer execute more once.  there must else @ work in file causing problem. More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

mx Alert.Show in a different window

hi everybody, i'm developing simple application in flex  (using air, it's desktop application).  , i've got problem showing messages user.   you'll see,  have main window (mx:windowedapplication) has button calls window (mx:window). in second window want show message.   when write code in second window:"mymessage","mytittle");   the alert pop-up  appears in first one, that's sat, in main application. , that's not supposed happen. i've tried writing this."mymessage","mytittle",4, sprite);   and works perfectly!... throws error when executing app.   remember, code in second window. so, i've got no idea why keeps appearing in first one.            thank , apologize english it's not first language!  bye! instead of using alert, try using popupmanager display component extends iflexdisplayobject. takes 30 secs write 1 mimmicks alert, , don't these problems. More discussions in Fle

Thread: Older version of libqt4 on dist-upgraded system

i developing application qt 4.6 , happy lucid has introduced version of qt in it's repository. however, collegue of mine cannot install application, , when try find out why see still looking @ libqt4 version 4.5 in repository. notably, made dist-upgrade (i believe term) karmic jaunty , jaunty lucid. know why has different repository, or perhaps him 4.6 in apt-ly manner, speak? turns out still @ jaunty. please delete atrasmacy of thread. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [SOLVED] Older version of libqt4 on dist-upgraded system Ubuntu

Sound restarting in wrong place

i created play/pause/track slider control sound. no animation @ all. traces, can see new sound position being calculated correctly. when sound restarts, closer end of sound should be. snippets below:     public function playaudio(event:event = null):void   {    if(    {;    } =;   }     public function pauseaudio(event:mouseevent = null):void   {    controller.removeprogress(cntl_mc);    media.soundresume =;;    if (soundmixer.aresoundsinaccessible() == false)    {     soundmixer.stopall();    } }     public function processdragbar():void   {    pauseaudio();    cntl_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.startdrag(false, new rectangle(0,0,cntl_mc.progress_mc.track_mc.width - cntl_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.width, 0));   }     public function processdropbar():void   {    var percentage:number = (cntl_mc.progress_mc.bar_mc.x / (cntl_mc.progress_mc.track_mc.width - cntl_m

Help, My eraser tool is painting

when select basic eraser tool, paints instead of erasing.  playing around background eraser 1 night , has been messed ever since.  have tried resetting tools no luck.  i'm new elements , i'm sure simple can'y figure out.  need in hurry finish project.  can help? if use regular eraser on background layer (as opposed regular layer) replaces erase background color. work way want if first double click background layer change regular layer? More discussions in Photoshop Elements adobe