
Showing posts from March, 2010

Trouble putting audio files in a slideshow Help!!!!

i can put 1 audio file while creating slideshow when trying put file error message " selected file cannot played because system not have required compresser/decompressor (codec) installed. why keep occurring? trying put multiple audio files 1 slideshow. thank you.   plus, using windows 7. update:  can put audio files while of others dont. More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

Need Help by Installing Chinese Language - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi everybody! i china,i want install simplified chinese language in joomla in order set chinese website. i need help. my question :how install simplified chinese language. current situation : 1,i have installed joomfish2.0.4 2,i downloaded joomfish simplified chinese language 2.0.3 problem is: when try install joomfish simplified chinese language 2.0.3 , got following error: no core pack exists language :zh-cn install language error i need follows: i want set chinese website,including front-end,back-end,so: 1,how many packs installed in joomla can use chinese? 2,joomfish2.0.4 , joomfish simplified chinese language 2.0.3 necessary me? 3, no core pack exists language :zh-cn core pack language zh-cn? , can it? (can give me link?) 4,i appriciate if can teach me step step,you know rookie thank in advance! you have install first core language pack chinese simplified language. look above.... viewtopic.php?f=485&t=225907 Board index Joomla! Older Versi

Wanting to make a site like this... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support main components internal search, , alphabet search guess considered database style. looking doing site chamber of commerce, list businesses per letter, , have link page of own address, phone#etc, , link external site. my question is, should jce links, or there possibly templates set similar? know take while input data businesses(over 500) guess looking tips on large project. maybe i'm confused, thought jce wysiwyg editor. when comes links, don't think it's better tinymce. but don't want hand typing data anyway. if have in sort of file - kind of file, can converted csv or excel type file imported database. i'd @ sobi2 business listings. as ultimate guitar website, have template made joomla copies or try find 1 close. , templates. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Verify user qualifications before activating account? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this may simple question, , sure hope is. i'm building site our church, using joomla 1.5.14. i've designed "members only" area, intend post items our church members should able view. how set log-in module such that, when person registers new member (for site), activation email sent after human being has looked @ registration , verified individual indeed church member? i can deactivate "allow new user registration" , put note in log-in module that, if want username/password, email church secretary. seems clunky. what i'd use registration module collect pertinent information , send email our secretary, review information before sending activation email new user. is possible? vic this not built in joomla! feature. if don't mind additional bells , whistles, can install community builder provides "admin approval" feature. there thread describes how core code can hacked implement , mentions 3rd party extension can installed add feature. chec

Thread: gui for windows and compiled in ubuntu in c

soooo been working gtk gui.,. wanted build program made ubuntu 10.04 work on windows xp soo started searching gui windows or win32 rather , searches coming short .,. if point me in right direction compile windows program support graphical user interface in ubuntu me out ton thank in advance .,. forgot mention im working c language Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk [SOLVED] gui for windows and compiled in ubuntu in c Ubuntu

Help on Tags in PSE 4.0

i have real problem.  using pse 4.0 on windows 7.  decided move files more manageable blocks, date, , used windows explorer consolidate.  in process lost tagging had done.  reconnected files, , have them, cannot tags back.  older files don't have tagged information laboriously applied long ago.   i have windows generated backup of files realtively recent.  can pull tags, or perhaps ".psa" file from , have pse apply tags images?   what else might try, other tagging 15,000 or photos again? i don't think can reconnect , not have tags. have no idea did or how accomplished this, more detail on how reconnected required.   you might try moving photos were. may fix problem. try on few photos see.   maybe relatively recent backup version of photos can moved original locations, thereby fixing of problem. bottom line have mess. old .psa file won't unless photos in location .psa file thinks should in, , not there. old .psa file might of use if succeed in restoring backups o

[SOLVED] Front Page Problems - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello all, i apologize simple question yet answer seems elude me. how display articles on front page? i have made sure radio button set display , articles published on front page manager. is there module need enable? right now, not trying complex. i want display "this test front page". thanks in advance, ojhernandez create menu item , choose front page layout menu type. make menu item default menu item (identified star). Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

Thread: iPod Click Wheel is in the Hospice?

the new ipod nano (which plan after hear if works linux) has touch screen. now, current ipod model click wheel ipod classic. think they'll keep classic? use ipod classic 80 gb, , well, sis gave me after never used it. don't using it, because know i'll never use on 10 gb of it, , says *ahem* "personal" on husband. love how new ipod nano looks, , i'd love use it. but, i'm starting wonder if click wheel still relevant year now. thoughts? just 2 cents: i'm guessing stay on classic , only classic, because why else call classic ? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe iPod Click Wheel is in the Hospice? Ubuntu

Thread: Canonical: Take 60 seconds with Henrik Omma

this month have profiled member of canonical family, has been start *henrik omma* read on see recollection of canonical in days , why enjoys working here. *take 60 seconds henrik omma* henrik works enterprise applications team manager , has been canonical 6 years. *in layman’s terms do?* manage small team develops & maintains in-house systems used sales, finance , hr. *what did before joining canonical?* doing doctorate in astrophysics @ oxford. started canonical part-time while still writing thesis. balance 2 activities because thesis writing can long , monotonous process. moved full time in may 2005, after completing thesis. had been using linux fluid dynamics simulations on super computers thesis research, introduced me world of open source. became interested in philosophy , world changing potential of open source , started own project called opencd. later co-founded ‘software freedom day’. both these projects spreading message of o


hi all, i've created facebook custom html/css box. looks perfect in major browsers...apart guessed it...internet explorer. i've tried can it's not budging. ideas or appreciated.   <link rel="stylesheet" href=" " type="text/css" media="screen" /> <div class="outer"> <div class="container"><img style="margin-top: 0px; float: left; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px;" src=" " class="img"></div> <div class="navcontain"> <div class="container"><img style="margin-top: 0px; float: left; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px;" src=" " class="img"></div> <div cl

Thread: "sudo apt-get update" fails

after type in "sudo apt-get update" got lots of errs like: code: w: failed fetch wicked happened resolving 'host:8888' (-5 - no address associated hostname) but new linux, can help? are connected internet? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] "sudo apt-get update" fails Ubuntu

google ad code wrong

i submitted couple of flash ad banners google ad campaign , clicktag code gave me looks it's as2 applies code object:   ( )   on (release) { geturl(clicktag, "_blank"); }   i found somewhere appropriate as3 code google rejected too. know proper code satisfy google?   gf this should (given code on timeline):   var flashvars:object = this.root.loaderinfo.parameters; button.addeventlistener(, openclicktag); function openclicktag(evtobj:mouseevent):void {     navigatetourl(new urlrequest(flashvars["clicktag"]), "_blank"); } More discussions in ActionScript 3 adobe

LR3: Import from catalog over a network?

just upgraded lr3 on 2 networked macs.  lr2 catalogs have been upgraded lr3 format launching lr3.  both catalogs seem work local application.  when try "import catalog" mac1 mac2 on network, error message: "lightroom can not import catalog.  catalog not appear valid lightroom catalog."  however, catalog import appears work reverse case: importing mac1 mac2.   can give me ideas on how proceed mac1 catalog apparent defect?  tried reoptimizing again without success.   thanks. never mind.  osx permissions thing.  though folder shared, needed check "apply enclosed items" allow catalog file accessed. More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC adobe

TreeItemRenderer duplicates branch content on reopen

hi   i wrote custom tree item renderer behave strangely. @ example prepared , open/close "group 1" node:   example (source available)   i spent lot of time finding out how create custom tree item renderer complex component node (not in example because simplified it) , need make work somehow. hope flex not crappy i'll have write own tree component... looks you're not handling recycling properly.  review first item renderer post on blog.  every if needs else handle recycling properly.   -- alex harui flex sdk team adobe system, inc. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

Thread: Getting Inkscape ver. 0.48 onto Ubuntu Hardy Heron

i have inkscape 0.48 running on windows xp laptop, can't find way of getting onto desktop system running ubuntu 8.04, need run emc2. if use apt-get download latest version, gets 0.46, has cursor/tool bug in it. (the cursor doesn't line tool on screen). possible me transfer 0.48 via memory stick desktop, without jeopardizing ubuntu system, or there other way ? many thanks john i've received heads authors of inkscape, effect emc2 runs on lucid, can solve problem going route. however, first 2 attempts 10.04 onto usb stick have failed, that's story(or rather thread),but i'll mark solved. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] Getting Inkscape ver. 0.48 onto Ubuntu Hardy Heron Ubuntu

A "visual" flickr plugin? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello! i'm using wordpress on site , new joomla. thought better customizable alternative wordpress. one of main goals implement flickr foto stream (with different albums). looking flickr plugins , found on 20, none worked, expected. i have hundreds of pictures in flickr , don't want use code insert flickr pictures or galleries articles. want use visual interface, displaying pictures. there want choose 1 , press "insert". "flickr photo album" ( ) doing wordpress. do know apropriate alternative use joomla? thx, sebastian Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

New Installation Joomla 1.5.14 Error Message - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

can tell me error message means deprecated: assigning return value of new reference deprecated in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla15\libraries\pattemplate\pattemplate.php on line 1424 deprecated: assigning return value of new reference deprecated in c:\xampp\htdocs\joomla15\libraries\pattemplate\paterrormanager.php on line 202 looks using php 5.3 Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Installation 1.5

Thread: Howto save doc and config on live-usb?

when try make live-usb-10.04lts on usb-device i'm not able create av saving volume/place. when start 'startup disk creator' , put in iso 10.04lts downer part in windows grayish , not able change: "when starting disk, documents , settings be: o stored on reserved space how much: o discarded on shutdown, unless save them elsewhare" why grayish? how activate choose make more places? cheers same thing happens here. "startup disk creator" not allow selecting choice there, bottom part grayed out. used flash-drive size of 1 gb, might reason (i presume) no choices offered me. presuming nothing kept session session, have been desired choice anyway. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Howto save doc and config on live-usb? Ubuntu

deleting footage

premier elements 7   hi there,   how delete video footage organise section without clicking on each video 1 one? can tedious , 'messy' when have old video files old projects floating around in organise section.   thanks   mike can not select multiple files ctrl, or shift (contiguous files)?   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Elements adobe

Dreamweaver CS5 no scrollbar. Help

i can't figure out why there's no scroll bar page when content longer page height in both live view , preview , uploaded on web. attached below source code page. in advance.   <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en" " "> <html xmlns=" " lang="en" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>recover regenerate rebuild</title>         <link rel="shortcut icon" href=" ">         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> html, body { height:100%; background-color: #000000;} body { margin:0; padding:0; overflow:hidden; margin-bottom: 100px; } #flashcontent { width:100%; height:100%; } body,td,th { font-family: arial, helvetica,

Multiple Guide Sets in Photoshop

i've been able find little documentation (mostly user requests) having multiple guide sets in photoshop. think useful tool. has heard feature (maybe in upcoming versions - can done way)? shan-dysigns wrote:   i've been able find little documentation (mostly user requests) having multiple guide sets in photoshop. think useful tool. has heard feature (maybe in upcoming versions - can done way)? save blank file desired guides , use template. More discussions in Photoshop General Discussion adobe

modules' position - user1 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi when adding module, in "position" dropdown there user1, user2 etc. where define them? can add position? can edit 1 of "user"s? how can know on page? thanks lenny these positions defined , structured in template have chosen default. you can find out module positions template 2 different ways. (a) open template edit in template manager , press big preview button. see module positions template. (b) open browser , type your-site-url/?tp=1. command show module positions of template. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

image on background menu left - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello convert site on joomla 1.5 i work ja puriy , template @ last time finish but i try insert background on left menu and image in face of menu link but didn't find line it's code ? code: select all ja-col1 {    float: left;    width: 24.99%;    padding-top: 10px;    overflow: hidden; } #ja-col2 {    float: right;    width: 20%;    overflow: hidden; } #ja-col1 table, #ja-col2 table {    border-collapse: collapse;    border-spacing: 0; } #ja-col1 ul li, #ja-col2 ul li {    padding-left: 15px;    margin: 0;    background: url(../images/bullet.gif) no-repeat 5px 50%; } #ja-col1 ul, #ja-col2 ul {    margin: 0; } #ja-col1 ol, #ja-col2 ol {    margin-left: 5px; } #ja-col1 .article_separator, #ja-col2 .article_separator {    display: none; } can me ? thanks send site url. need see live help. also, trying make gray background wider? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templat

CS4 and CS5 Corruption.. twice in the same day.

hi guys, i absolutely baffled , hope can figure out whats going on here worried using photoshop on these machine serious work.   so happened today:   1) opened 60 mb tiff on macbook pro locally 2) worked on file hour, saved .psd , closed (final .psd size under 1gb) 3) tried open .psd had saved (on same machine, same ps version) , received error " could not complete request because file not compatible version of photoshop " i had never seen before , figured down bad luck..   4) started over, time in ps cs4 on mac pro. 5) worked on file few hours, saved network drive , closed. 6) tried open file, again on same machine created on, , receive same error " could not complete request because file not compatible version of photoshop "   how possible on 2 different machines, in 2 different software versions on same day!?   i've tried recover files can flattened image out of irfanview, know how possible?   thanks in advance! adobe take no responsibility saving across ne

K2 problem. Need help! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i new user of k2, spent 2 days trying fix following problem: i created articles in k2 , inserted "read more" feature inside of them. on front page looks nice , want to, part of article , if want read more, have click , go article. but here problem starts: when open whole article, part before "read more" on main page stays in bold text , bigger fonts. tried find should change avoid , have whole article same fonts, seems nothing works. maybe can me figure out wrong. thanks in advance use ftp or file manager ninjaxplorer navigate to: code: select all /components/com_k2/css/style.css find following css around line 45 : code: select all div.itemintrotext {     color:#444444;     font-size:18px;     font-weight:bold;     line-height:24px;     padding:4px 0 12px; } you can edit values whatever want, or remove following looking rest of page: code: select all div.itemintrotext {} Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Jo

Thread: Warnings about updating 10.04

my computer gives me warning updating. linux headers 2.6.32-24 , linux headers 2.6.32-24 generic , linux image 2.6.32-24 , linux-libc-dev can tell me if these safe update? tell me not authenticated. hate see computer turn upside down when run nice. can run code: sudo apt-key update in terminal, , if there errors please post output here. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Warnings about updating 10.04 Ubuntu

Choosing Reader not Acrobat in IE

we primary using adobe reader @ our office, though handful of people have acrobat installed. isn’t problem, when viewing pdf file through internet explorer, it’s acrobat chosen viewer. though have configured windows use reader @ program opening pdf files. the real problem on computers have installed older version of acrobat (version 6) it’s have around of scanners using. , on computers, when opening pdf file web page, adobe informs using old version, , should upgrade version 7 or 8. it’s not in budget right upgrade our old licenses , want force internet explorer open pdf files using adobe reader , not adobe acrobat. but how do that? edit> os= windows xp sp3 under “edit” => “settings” => “internet” (i have danish version, not sure if it’s translated right) there option viewing in browser or not. i have tried uncheck option in acrobat , have checked in reader, should make browser use reader in current window, no, opens in new window, using acrobat. any ideas? i have read changin

Testing Server Questions

hello trying set testing server can access php files , databse working. have few questions though.   1. have make new server not new site testing server right? 2. connect using local network right? 3. folder select "server folder" sites root folder or different one? 4.what put in url box?   thanks 1. have make new server not new site testing server right?   wrong. server belongs site. without site oinfo, no testing server.   3. folder select "server folder" sites root folder or different one?   ther server's root folder, not site folder, e.g. httpdocs inside apache directory.   4.what put in url box?   your site url or ip address.   mylenium More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Joomla 1.5 password hash Class 1.0 for QT using C++ - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi joomla developers this class mad projects. i need under development work in point. i wanted shear all to make use of in applications may need to have access joomla database , connect using qt library. using c++.. work @ windows,linux, unix, mac or mobiles will.. for example if have database connected joomla 1.5 and has got database structure, but in application need pass username , password and need tool decrypt password users type in applications this class decrypt password or create new password joomla. if want application add new users joomla. user able login to site if registered using application. as application can downloaded , installed. in point need verify user in our joomla database or not , password correct or not.. file joomla15passwordhash.h code: select all /*   joomla 1.5 password hash class 1.0  *   copyright  *   smart neural tech ltd  *  *  *  *   developer name: rajab natshah  *           *

I need a scrollbar

hi there know custom javascript/jquery scrollbar thats compatible jquery ui tabs plugin? thanks know custom javascript/jquery scrollbar thats compatible jquery ui tabs plugin? have here   i hope helps. ben More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Super User Password - reset !!

hi ,, installled ubuntu 9.1 in terminal window when try use su - super user, authentication failed message coming up. used root password. not successful. other places prompts authentication, use same password , successful. in su having issue. please !!!! thank you, merin. use "sudo su", ubuntu sudo os. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Super User Password - reset !! Ubuntu

making a zoomer just like navigator in photoshop

hi all,              stuck in last few days make zoomer application. not getting on google also.          navigator in photoshop . example of application link given below.   &snr=0            click on image, 1 popup window open, click on "zoon in" buttton flash application open exact example          want make.            not getting anywhere , never made application of type have it.          please me , idea , code, concept, example  thing whatever have.  please.            thank . hi, i guess coding in as3.0 so add image on sprite display. place in scrollpane. create zoom in button , on click scale image proportionately.   now navigator part: create sprite (say navigator ) , attach same image scaled down smaller size. create rectangle show viewable area , add navigator. scale proportionately based on scale of large image. also make box dragable within na

Welcome pieces of advice on com_content front overriding - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

in short, idea implement front-end article management system authors , amdins. the project joomla! 1.5.x platforms , should clean possible, limiting hacks as possible. aims/targets: create article buttons users appropriate rights publish/unpublish, add front-page/remove front-page, trash, , above delete permanently. specify above because have feeling tricky part. rather not go down road "why allow delete permanently database , not go through trash", assume people give access know , primary user. i see few options welcome input community. if come works, i'm happy share obviously. 1. option 1 ** dirty implementation ** this heavy-duty, last resort solution: hacking joomla! core files. go if nothing else works. the way see it, need modify relevant views, jhtmlicon class include functions, , must bypass admin side com_trash security (expecting form) way or another. variations be: custom com_trash on site side and/or adding views com_content (not sure yet of feasibility). some

iframe resized

i know how iframe webpage im looking do. once viewer clicks on button in iframed page, want iframe resize set size (diffrent first iframe size) viewer can see part of second page. can me this? More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Converting flex application to AIR - stage scale issue

hi every one,   thanks checking post,   i looking advice on converting flex application air. understand basics, having trouble converting degrafa map. when creating flex application used following stage scale mode (below) keep panels in same proportion when resizing browser. when running air application found stage scale mode didn't work, top corner of 1 panel displayed.   <code> applicationcomplete ="stage.scalemode = stagescalemode.exact_fit;" <code>   does have advice on how correct this?   it may useful know following: my application size is: width="1020" height="820"   the other panel sizes , positionings are: - width="710" height="540" x="10" y="54" - width="290" height="240" x="728" y="54" - width="1010" x="10" y="600" - width="290" height="290" x="728" y="302" - there's applicatio

Thread: 9.10 update manager has lost original software source list

hi i'm using karmic 9.10 , think original software source list has been removed. need go through should there or not , advise me whether ppa's should there.have done updates including gnome , standard ones. think software update karmic main , restricted universe list somehow corrupted. karmic main showing open office through middle of line. tried putting in ubuntu 9.10 cd update list don't know go there i'm new stuff. can please. you can use one #deb cdrom:[ubuntu 9.10 _karmic_koala - release i386 (20081029.1)]/ karmic main restricted # see how upgrade to # newer versions of distribution. deb karmic main restricted deb-src karmic main restricted ## major bug fix updates produced after final release of the ## distribution. deb http: