
Showing posts from February, 2010

Versioning/Revisions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

is there way in 1.5 have version of article published , 1 in draft form can saved not published right away? don't want unpublish article - instead, want able make changes on course of several days (via feedback users) publish revised copy on original article. original article needs remain out there entire time users can give feedback on it. thanks, clare that functionality not exist in core joomla! a quick google search turned article may help: if find like, post here others come looking use. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/New to Joomla! 1.5

problem???? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

sorry not able lable exact problem, wasnt sure fell try explain. i working on website, , in putting contact page, when click on separate contact pages banner, uses simple rotator 3 images....a bullet appears each change of banner, lowering each rotation. distortion rotator banner bullets puzzling simplest fix it. here contact page notice when u click on of contacts if watch banner see bullets appear , consecutive images gets lower n lower. would able shed light on this??? has me stumped on have wont happen. i not best in coding etc , knowledge of joomla not big please patient me i have idea on how debug this. i think preloader might not working properly. looked @ source , saw this: <li id="jw-sir-loading-black"></li> as first <li> tag in <ul>. try taking out , see if keeps doing it. problem has in <ul> because dot <li> not being styled correctly. let me know if otherwise try , keep lo

Acrobat 8 crashes and dissapears from the application folder

this problem has happened on 3 different machines in last week!  error after crash in "an error has been detected required application library or file , product cannot continue. please reinstall application."   have reinstalled on 2 machines, , 1 machine crashed again morning...i'm @ wits end.  anyone? please help.   all 3 machines running os 10.4.11, acrobat 8.2.1 (part of cs3).  machines g5's.  thanks More discussions in Acrobat Macintosh (read-only) adobe

Morfeoshow - farven på tekst - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg har lavet en lille hjemmeside, som endnu ikke er helt færdig: mit galleri er lavet morfeoshow, men det frustrerer mig @ jeg ikke kan få teksten mouseover boksen til @ skifte farve og blive større. er der nogen der kan hjælpe? jeg har også prøvet mig med simple image gallery pro, men den understøtter ikke æ, ø, å, hvilket er endnu værre end farver :-) er der evt et andet galleri, som kan vise billeder på en lignende måde - det er meget vigtigt @ man kan skrive tekst på en nem måde, da jeg skal overgive sitet sidenhen. morfeoshow administrerer den del ret fint. tusinde tak nina har nu installeret phoca gallery, som fungerer fint. jeg havde tidligere prøvet @ installere det på et testsite, men uden held, så derfor havde jeg kasseret det. "real life" fungerer det dog glimrende. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Danish Forum Ældre ver

Template change not working as it should - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallo, this concerns joomla template "123wd-j15-2" @ . at top of template there - above greenish logo - brown section of template approximately 2.5 centimetres in height. i not css literate, made effort , went template manager - edit css etc. , came across section of template: #logo table { width: 980px; height: 30px; margin: 0 auto; i changed height 0px , brown section above greenish devillisms logo narrowed. but there still space of 1 centimetre or above greenish logo. where other css part should go , edit? i hope can help. thanks! riaan try one code: select all #page_bg { margin:40px auto 0; padding:0; width:990px; } change margin 0px in template.css (line 86) Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

hittest for complex objects

i have border mc surrounds stage , protrudes stage. mc can moved around within border using arrow keys. i've set hittest movable mc can't cross part of border. tried making mc hollow s-shape spins. movable mc supposed able go through s-shaped mc without hitting edges. instead of registering actual s-shape border, hittest registers edge of mc s-shape in. means if movable mc doesn't touch sides of s-shape still registers hit. so, how come hittest works complex objects being used border, not ones in middle of stage? hittests check collisions of bounding rectangles.  shape-based hittest check gskinner's collisiondetection class. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

JCE - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm sure jce component, forgive me if post problem in wrong category. i installed jce able embed [youtube] clip in article. after installing extension missed icon insert mediaclip in texteditor. when tried configure in, surprised me media plugin did not have icon, , therefore i'm not able add button bar of editor. have solution this? goal embed code [youtube] movie in article. many thanks!!! rits ya icon seek paid media manager plugin jce. hi having same issue, have found joomlaworks video plug in work, in item view, not section or category view Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Extensions for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Why Don't Embedded BBC News Videos Work With 64 Bit Ubuntu?

they used , don't. regardless of flash plugin use (i switched 32 bit plugin ndiswrapper because weren't working 64 bit plugin). i find work ok in 64bit ubuntu whole thing bit strange sometimes. of time, start playback have 'click here play' in middle of video. either ignore button in middle , watch it, or click on near start - clicking on half way through gives me problems. i'm using standard flash plugin came ubuntu. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Why Don't Embedded BBC News Videos Work With 64 Bit Ubuntu? Ubuntu

Breadcrumbs - missing start parameter? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, in 1 of categories on site there 24 articles, split 2 pages of 12 each. when view first page , click article display, can use breadcrumb trail me parent category. works fine. if go second page of articles , select article, want last browsing, not first page. shouldn't breadcrumb link parent category have "?start=12" parameter? i have searched through forum , cannot find explanation - can tell me if default behaviour, , can modify code add start parameter breadcrumb link if pagination enabled , i'm not on first set of results? hey wibbles, did set articles under section , category hierarchy? how submenus? i had same issue , solved submenus (menus items under menu items) i hope helps. bruce Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Publishing a large file and sending it as .exe or for on LMS

i'm putting course quite large, need publish in such way can send via email or other way others overseas, may not have access joint server can put on them download.   i have basic screens in course , number of demonstrations. session structured movement allowed main screens demonstrations , again, , being able select relevant demo @ time.   i have tried using aggregator, can see, still adds swf files 1 big file. doesn't allow easy manouvering between files either, unless user schooled in using toc.   i tried using buttons in main screens go different published swf file demos. seemed workable solution, if changes needed made single demo, etc. however, when published session, received following message, advising me files linked project , may require exporting (then list of temp files), , referenced files corresponding html files needed copied output folder:   i'm afraid don't understand this. why temp files? added html , swf files (plus other published demos) same folder

Any way to fix this glitch? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i running joomla 1.5. writing articles , within these articles adding amazon links items related buying. code amazon , put in. issue using html button in tinymce editor, not show these in articles. if go control panel , change "no editor" , work raw code, can add code amazon link , works fine within article. know if there way solve glitch because not know html , difficult me update these articles without losing code amazon link. i have tried: -added amazon associates module - not solve problem because doesn't add links within articles, on side. -added "easy switch" can switch tinymce 2.0 editor , no editor again, when switching tinymce second , going save no editor, lose amazon links. this glitch in html button in tinymce 2.0 editor...any solve appreciated. use module , loadposition plugin. {loadposition modulepositionname} Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 General Questions/

two articles on 1 page - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

what if want have 2 or more articles on 1 template. seems if put in <jdoc:include type="component" /> more once in template same article shows in 2 places. there way put different articles same page? * grab "component in module" extension * assign bottom article module, , add new position (something unique) * make sure load position plugin enabled in plugin manager * add bottom of top article: {loadposition custom} "custom" name of module assigned article to that said, put them in same category & use category blog layout you... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Templates for Joomla! 1.5

Thread: 2 Problems, please help

ok first of i've never used linux , know next nothing :/ first problem have no sound, have soundcard "x-fi fatal1ty champion series" have checked there website drivers have not idea how install thing downloaded folder random files in , no executable :/ , second problem cant type 3rd symbols on keyboard keys, swedish keyboard cant example type "at" key on windows pressed e.g ctrl+alt+2 "at" key doesnt work if me these problems grateful ^^ first of version of ubuntu running? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] 2 Problems, please help Ubuntu

Vanishing point crashes photoshop CS4

my photoshop cs4 crashing when use vanishing point. saw suggestion send full crash report have no clue how/where access crash report data. can me, please. working on assignment , frustrated here. running windows 7 (which new me) , so, more confuzzled normal.   thanks much kristine seems me there report around here recently.  might want scan it; believe posted in past few days.   check make sure system components  - e.g., video drivers, photoshop itself, windows - date.   video drivers can downloaded manufacturer's web site. photoshop cs4 11.0.2 - - updates... windows update can used see whether windows system date.   beyond that, try this:   1.  click start button. 2.  right - click on computer , choose manage . 3.  expand event viewer clicking little > next it. 4.  expand windows logs . 5.  click on application . 6.  in list error entries corresponding photoshop crash. 7.  click on recent error entry. 8.  in pane below general tab , note faulting module is. 9

Thread: dd opening /dev/sdb Permission Denied.

how permission sdb? sudo chmod 777 /dev/sdb don't know how can remember of these commands. must 1000's of them. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] dd opening /dev/sdb Permission Denied. Ubuntu

Thread: Gnome Nanny

hi all, have dowmloaded latest version of gnome nanny, have run instal problem @ first hurdle: have extracte folder documents: cd/ folder , run ./configure command , message: no package 'pygtk-2.0' found have checked install files , edited lines contain above read pygtk -2.0 >=2.8 2.8 version of python have installed. in package manager goes v2.2. ideas how can around error? running ubuntu 9.1 karmic koala. 'pygtk-2.0' python module. version number of pygtk unrelated version number of python itself. pygtk should preinstalled, try: code: sudo apt-get install python-gtk2-dev to tell truth i'm not sure python-gtk2-dev provides, when you're compiling software , complains missing library, need install package has "-dev" @ end of name. package brings in "python-gtk2" if don't have it. Forum The Ubun

8DME - A PLACE FOR FUN - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi in joomla review website . has thousand's of games play. want know how can improve can play action, multiplayer, nes games, defense,and favorite games. made student can play on site in school. students don't have nothing after hard day of work very functional lay-out, basic , point. read news (the welcome @ bottom imho pointless). Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information Archived Boards - All boards closed 1.5 Site Showcase - Archived

Video/audio & audio will not play in real time

help please!!   pp cs5. problem:   video w/ audio , audio clips import , can moved around in usual fashion, however, unable real time playback duration greater 20 sec. these assets scrub in preview, viewer , timeline not play if pressing either spacebar or play button. currentlu have version 5.0.1 , running on macbook pro 2.8 gb hd, 6 gb ram , running os x.6.4. missing in setup? no assets, own or pulled artbeats or tutorials play.   thank adobe community. welcome forum.   can please tell more sequence, source footage, , full specs. of mb, including i/o?   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Premiere Pro CC adobe

Thread: Questions about harware-monitor

i've installed ubuntu 9.10, updates done. system: asus p6x58d-e intel core i7 930 linksys wmp600n pci wireless-n so, installed hardware-monitor , setup wanna see, (cpu load, ram load, hd , wireless). when want show cpu temperature app tells me no sensors detected. i've installed lm-sensors , did "sensor detect" command, still no sensors detected. , btw, when had ubuntu 10.04 sensors reported bad temps, 12ºc cpu (no way, have air cooling , 28ºc ambient temp). can do? !!! ps: i've noticed wifi activity graph working good, speed reported on info note 0,0 b/s Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Questions about harware-monitor Ubuntu

Flash quizzes

if download flash 5 trial, able create quizzes in this? if can, still accessible after trial? have flash cs4 installed on computer, no quiz templates. i cannot answer cs5, following forum discussion might out if have cs4... More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thread: fresh install of ubuntu and grub, doesn't see or boot into windows

hey all. installed ubuntu 10.04.1 after windows 7 on newer computer, grub didnt seem see windows when installed , boots straight linux. dont see grub screen or anything. i'm not familiar new grub or how works, ran grub-update , showed linux kernel, , memtest. have ideas how grub screen windows on it? try sudo update-grub in terminal , see if shows windows. in home on side panel or in places-computer see if see windows partition. can post bootscript in signature in code tags well. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [SOLVED] fresh install of ubuntu and grub, doesn't see or boot into windows Ubuntu

Front Page/ Home Page Missing Keywords & Missing Description - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this problem driving me crazy. notes: i have disabled global meta in config. {i dont want this} i use sh404sef {i dont enable meta in mod - write own meta per article} on home page - have no meta keywords or meta description. but there no option anywhere manually set this. help needed the meta tags entered in article used when use menu item of type article layout. for blog layouts such front end blog, section blog , category blog global meta tags used. in case looks have not entered meta tags/keywords in global configuration. may explain why there no meta tags in page. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Search Engine Optimization (Joomla! SEO) in Joomla! 1.5

Thread: Wireless on Dell E6500 not working except ...

... when type this code: sudo rmmod -f dell-laptop i using ubuntu 10.04 , had wired connection, got rid of. dual booting windows 7. dont know linux, @ taking commands! please help. few points: - cannot see wireless networks until enter command above - network icon on top right corner says "wireless networks disabled" , grayed out - code: lspci gives me "0c:00.0 network controller: intel corporation pro/wireless 5300 agn [shiloh] network connection" tried looking solutions everywhere on internet , best of ability, thing worked, have everytime boot computer command shown previously. dont know does, works. help! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Wireless on Dell E6500 not working except ... Ubuntu

Curious message

hello   i have been getting curious message when close photoshop cs5 update.   the instruction @ "0x69093803" referenced memory @ "0x001cc7d0". memory not read. click ok terminate program. no other problems cs5   mike engles mike,   memory address errors caused program not accurately reporting usage, or telling os have released addresses, when have not.   i'd @ event viewer , see happening on system , applications, when message. article give tips.   this article might useful getting computer set ps session.   good luck,   hunt More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

Thread: Unity advertising

i got link ayatana email list morning. nicely done. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe Unity advertising Ubuntu

[MAC: InDesign CS4] Router IP address

dear all,   how can find ip address of local computer via javascript. appreciate of clue on this.   thanks, anil yadav run code give ip address.   var systemip = "set theip shell script \"ifconfig | grep 'broadcast' | awk '{print $2}'\""; var getip = app.doscript(systemip, 1095978087); alert (getip)     shonky More discussions in InDesign Scripting adobe

Thread: GNU firmware for Linksys WRT110

hey guys, of know of gnu firmware cisco linksys wrt110 router? tomato? wish tomato compatible . alphaa here thread on dd-wrt forum it, doesn't it's supported yet. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Community Discussions The Cafe GNU firmware for Linksys WRT110 Ubuntu

how attach file to welcome email ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, i want attach file welcome email, changed file: /administrator/components/com_users/controller.php. i did this: $attachment[] = '/myfolder/myfile.pdf'; jutility::sendmail( $adminemail, $adminname, $user->get('email'), $subject, $message,null,null,null, $attachment); and this: $attachment[] = jpath_root.ds.'myfolder'.ds.'myfile.pdf'; jutility::sendmail( $adminemail, $adminname, $user->get('email'), $subject, $message,null,null,null, $attachment); and didn't work please help! joomla 1.5.14 linux php 5.x help Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Displaying Multiple Sections - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

working on web site want display multiple sections on page. using menu section layout, however, appears display 1 section per page. possible, without having reconfigure way sections , categories set , this? thanks, dawn since "section layout" displays list of categories in particular section, if wish display more 1 section on page, can create article containing list (as links) of sections , associated categories. don't know whether seeking do. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Fireworks rollover doesn't work when exported to DW???

for reason, whenever export fireworks rollover, , place in dreamweaver, doesn't work. image shows fine, , slices recognized (tested adding links few of rollovers), rollovers don't execute. image stays same. i've been looking on solution this. closest thing can come javascript isn't executing reason. don't see call js in code.   can please me out this? way, navigation bar i'm trying work part of fireworks/dw demo. i've never had problem doing before, don't know why problem now.   this link file doesn't work:   the direct link .htm file works fine, though. don't it. the exported version missng javascript makes rollovers function. did use insert > image objects > fireworks html function in dreamweaver, or place in html document in other way? need use former work properly. More discussions in Fireworks adobe

Thread: Sound reset to mute on startup

whenever reboot sound muted. ubuntu 10.4.1 aplay -l gives: card 0: intel [hda intel], device 0: alc888 analog [alc888 analog] subdevices: 1/1 subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 0: intel [hda intel], device 1: alc888 digital [alc888 digital] subdevices: 1/1 subdevice #0: subdevice #0 following don't fix problem: 1. sudo alsactl store sound unmuted 2. aslamixer - master -46db; reset 0db doesn't give me sound 3. append "options snd-hda-intel model=auto" "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf" thing can find looks sus is: hda_codec: unknown model alc888, trying auto-probe bios... dmesg | grep hda (and don't know sus). thanks tony this did me: Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ub

change joomla register - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have installed jom social onto site, users register through jom social @ login have standard joomla registration. file change can point jom social registration process instead of standard joomla one? thanks in advance aaron harding wrote: i have installed jom social onto site, users register through jom social @ login have standard joomla registration. file change can point jom social registration process instead of standard joomla one? thanks in advance you should able in modules part of admin console. no? there several flavors of authentication there. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.5 Administration 1.5

Thread: Anybody have a working twitter conky script?

i have 1 works when tries update disappears. have tried creating rss thread of tweets comes username , password activate twitter api , tells me permission denied have tried doing html page of twitter rss, using 3rd party services take webpage rss. not having luck want. anyways have working one? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Anybody have a working twitter conky script? Ubuntu

CS5 not seeing wacom pen on HP 2740p tablet

system: hp 2740p elite book intel core i5 540m 4gb ddr3 ram windows 7 pro (64bit) wacom multi-touch/digitizer combo cs5 creative suite (fully updated)   i've installed oem, newest, , beta drivers on hp2740p system clean slates no drivers installed, , in each instance cs5 doesn't see pen more generic pointing device. meaning there no pressure input , flipping not recognized eraser.  pressure sensitivity works great in other programs such painter , art rage 3, cannot life of me recognize in cs5 (illustrator, flash or ps) i've contacted hp, wacom, both "talk adobe"  :-/   any help/suggestions appreciated. if photoshop not seeing pressure input pressure sensitive tablet - there problem driver software tablet.   photoshop implements standard wintab interface, , known work tablets working drivers.   so, need talk hp why drivers not working correctly. More discussions in Photoshop Windows (read only) adobe

embedding asset in flex at compile time

hi     is possible embed assets images, videos in flex using <mx:script>? aware of embed meta tag of actionscript   [embed(source="imagename.jpg")] [bindable] public var imgcls:class;   this method needs source name mentioned source parameter.but in case image paths read file image embeded depends upon string read file(xml file) , embed tag cannot use directly.   is there way use embed tag source parameter initialized variable like   [embed(source=some variable)] [bindable] public var imgcls:class;       is there way embed them @ compile time after reading file ?     regards hi oberoit ,   it possible embed assets @ compile time only...that means images static, locally compiled , embedded application swf itself.   but if want load xml file has various image urls , embed them dynamically , not possible loading xml run time operations , done   after application compiled , cannot embed runtime...since embed works @ compile time...   hope got point..     thanks, bhasker

Thread: disable safe mode ?

hello , using ubuntu 9.10 installed on 1 server . dont use keyboard - power , net cable . when gone wrong power , pc restarting . here , problem .. hanging on "choose wich mode..etc" , because dont use keyboard , , dont want there way make time interval in options , after 10 second example boot , or there way delete option - safe mode . . i'm sure it's late original poster disable grub menu after failed boot change following line in /etc/grub.d/00_header file: from: if["${recordfail}" = 1]; then set timeout = -1 to: if["${recordfail}" = 1]; then set timeout = 5 5 can whatever wait value in seconds desired (-1 indefinite). timeout settings in /etc/default/grub file (menu.lst in older versions of grub) not apply after failed boot or after boot recovery mode. Forum The Ubuntu Forum

error on insert record form

hi,   i've created million insert record forms without problems, reason keep getting same error when i've tried creating form on different pages, different recordsets , whatever else can think of, keep getting error (here's error , code):   you have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mysql server version right syntax use near 'where, when, whotocontact) values ( 2 , 'stay' , 'mikew' , 'd' , 'h' ' @ line 1 the error occurred in c:\coldfusion9\wwwroot\mymindsnotrightcopy\supportgroupformneedsinclude.cfm: line 47   45 : , <cfif isdefined("form.whotocontact") , #form.whotocontact# neq ""> 46 : <cfqueryparam value="#form.whotocontact#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="2147483647"> 47 : <cfelse> 48 : '' 49 : </cfif>       <cfset currentpage=getfilefrompath(getbasetemplatepath())> <cfif isdefined("form.mm_insertrecord") , form.m